Thursday, March 26, 2009

Calpurnia's interview

Q: After you had the dreams of Caesar being killed how did you feel?

A: I was terrified I tried to convince him it wasn't safe to go out that day.

Q:After you finally convinced him to stay home, then Decius told him it would be safe did this upset you?

A:I felt betrayed and scared for his life i wish he would have listened to me and this wouldn't have happened and he might have lived longer. But i honor him because he wasn't a coward and afraid to go.

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Mark Antony

Mark Antony was a great Roman leader, he was a general for Julius Caesar and one of his closest friends. He was one of Caesar biggest supporters on becoming king of Rome. After Caesars asassination Antonyformed an alliance with Octavain and Lepidus to kill the seven conspirtators. Antony convinced Brutus to let him speak at Caesars funeral and began to get the people of Rome on his side as he won them over. The conspirtators left town to form an army and started training. Antony later comes with his army to beat Brutus and Cassius. Antony later forms a Triumvirate with Octavian And Lepidus.
[picture by google]

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

interview with Marcus Brutus

  • Q:Why did you kill your bestfriend of many years?

  • A:Well i thought the power would go to his head and he would ruin rome. I thought the people of Rome wanted it.

  • Q:How did you feel when you found out the other conspirators did not kill Caesar for the same reason?

A: It hurt to know they just wanted power and tricked me into killing my bestfriend. I would have never thought id kill Caesar he is a honorable man who put others before himself.

Q: Do you ever regret making your servant kill you at war?

A: I think about it a lot some days i think it was the wrong thing to do or a cowards way out.But other days i think it was right because i wasn't going to be held captive.

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